Friday, November 4, 2016

Archivelink Display - ARCHIVOBJECT_DISPLAY

Below is the function to display the archive link directly from the report


pass below parameter


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Debugging Web Dynpro in New Debugger Screen

Debugging Web Dynpro

1. Look for Replace  Tool or New Tool Icon
2. Click Special Tools folder and Choose Webdynpro

Friday, September 23, 2016

Class to Create Webdynpro URL

This is the class to construct Webdynpro URL based on the Application Name

  " Obtain the URL  cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_urlexporting application_name 'ZHR_EXAMPLE'                                                            in_parameters    lt_parameter
                                                            importing out_local_url    url ).

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Function to get PERNR based on user name

We can use below BADI to get person id or personal number  based on sy-uname


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Debug Workflow Method

1.  Add below code to enable infinite loop

* Temporary, for debugging.
  lv_tmp 'X'.
  WHILE lv_tmp EQ 'X'.

2. Run the program.

3. GO to T-CODE SM50 amd check your program name  and user WF-BATCH.

4. Select Administration --Program--Debugging to start the debug process 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Editing Standard Program or Class but error ? you cannot perform this action in modification/enhancement mode

  1. Try to edit standard class/program that you had created but got below error 

    you cannot perform this action in modification/enhancement mode

  2. But how to fix it even access key already created to edit the program or class?
  3. You need to turn off the modification assistants 
  4. Edit - Modification Operations - Switch Off Assistants