Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to Add Customized Filed (KOB1) Actual Cost Line Items SAP Notes 325546

This guide or how to is following SAP Note 325546.


1. Enhancement on existing SMOD - COOMEP0
2. Using CI_RKPOS
3. Add ZZAUGBL (Clearing Document) customized field.


1. Add the customized field in the CI_RKPOS structure.
2. Data Element should follow AUGBL field from BSEG.

3. Enhance the user exit EXIT_SAPLKAEP_001 (ZXKAEPU01)
4. Add line of code to read the data from table to be populated in customized field

IF i_rep_object 'OR'.
SELECT SINGLE  augdt augbl FROM bseg
INTO (cs_record-zzaugdt,cs_record-zzaugbl)
WHERE bukrs cs_record-bukrs
AND belnr cs_record-refbn
AND gjahr  cs_record-gjahr.
*        buzei =

SELECT SINGLE xblnr FROM bkpf INTO cs_record-zzxblnr
WHERE bukrs cs_record-bukrs AND belnr cs_record-refbn
AND gjahr cs_record-gjahr.

5. Open SM34 to edit the view table V_TKALV.

6. Choose "Field Catalog Information"  and in change mode, add New Entries. For this customized field refer below figure.

Field Structure : KAEP_COAC
Field Name: ZZAUGBL
Field Group: 'K' - for customized field

7. Run back the program the customized should appear in the layout selection.