This guide or how to is following SAP Note 325546.
1. Enhancement on existing SMOD - COOMEP0
2. Using CI_RKPOS
3. Add ZZAUGBL (Clearing Document) customized field.
1. Add the customized field in the CI_RKPOS structure.
2. Data Element should follow AUGBL field from BSEG.
3. Enhance the user exit EXIT_SAPLKAEP_001 (ZXKAEPU01)
4. Add line of code to read the data from table to be populated in customized field
IF i_rep_object = 'OR'.
SELECT SINGLE augdt augbl FROM bseg
INTO (cs_record-zzaugdt,cs_record-zzaugbl)
WHERE bukrs = cs_record-bukrs
AND belnr = cs_record-refbn
AND gjahr = cs_record-gjahr.
* buzei =
SELECT SINGLE xblnr FROM bkpf INTO cs_record-zzxblnr
WHERE bukrs = cs_record-bukrs AND belnr = cs_record-refbn
AND gjahr = cs_record-gjahr.
SELECT SINGLE augdt augbl FROM bseg
INTO (cs_record-zzaugdt,cs_record-zzaugbl)
WHERE bukrs = cs_record-bukrs
AND belnr = cs_record-refbn
AND gjahr = cs_record-gjahr.
* buzei =
SELECT SINGLE xblnr FROM bkpf INTO cs_record-zzxblnr
WHERE bukrs = cs_record-bukrs AND belnr = cs_record-refbn
AND gjahr = cs_record-gjahr.
5. Open SM34 to edit the view table V_TKALV.
6. Choose "Field Catalog Information" and in change mode, add New Entries. For this customized field refer below figure.
Field Structure : KAEP_COAC
Field Name: ZZAUGBL
Field Group: 'K' - for customized field
7. Run back the program the customized should appear in the layout selection.