Friday, May 18, 2012

Cannot be maintained via basic Transaction

Object type Q infotype 1001 cannot be maintained via basic transaction

I got this issues lately, and the tricks we need to maintain the table T777I or T77CD and T777E.

1. Go to SE16 or SE11.
2. Unchecked the coloumn MAINT - Indicator: Cannot be Maintained via Standard Transactions
3. Save and try to create the object using PP01 or PP02.

Error can not maintain personal number (PA)

If there is error when you train to maintain or insert personnel number it might cause of the number range which is automatically generated by the system. To disable it. go to Tcode PA04

1. Click Change intervals.
2. Delete the current numbers if still exist.
3. Checked columned Ext.
4. Save your changes and try again to add the personnel number.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Function to check date

            date                      vbegda              "#EC *
            plausibility_check_failed 1
            OTHERS                    2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    RAISE wrong_date_format.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Edit Value Database Manually - SE11

Sometimes we need to adjust value in the tables, but we don't have the rights to do so. There is tricks using ABAP debugging method.

  1. Go to transaction SE11.
  2. Select the detail from the table on which field need to adjust the value.
  3. When details of row screen appear. Enter the debugging command '/h'.
  4. Debugging screen will pop up. 
  5. Change the variable value from code = 'SHOW' code = 'EDIT'. Save it.
  6. Press F8 and you can edit the value of the table now.