Sunday, June 12, 2011

Custom Input Help

Below is the custom help for selection options we need to define s-low and s-high withe separated input help

    SELECT t588b~massn
    FROM t588b
    WHERE t588b~USERG '14'
    AND t588b~massn NE ''.

  LOOP AT i_acthelp.
    SELECT SINGLE mntxt FROM t529t INTO i_acthelp-mntxt
      WHERE  sprsl ='EN' AND
       massn i_acthelp-massn.
      MODIFY i_acthelp.

*     DDIC_STRUCTURE         = ' '
      RETFIELD               'MASSN'
*     PVALKEY                = ' '
*     DYNPPROG               = ' '
*     DYNPNR                 = ' '
*     DYNPROFIELD            = ' '
*     STEPL                  = 0
     WINDOW_TITLE           =  'Action Type'
*     VALUE                  = ' '
     VALUE_ORG              'S'
*     MULTIPLE_CHOICE        = ' '
*     DISPLAY                = ' '
*     CALLBACK_PROGRAM       = ' '
*     CALLBACK_FORM          = ' '
*     CALLBACK_METHOD        =
*     MARK_TAB               =
*     USER_RESET             =
      VALUE_TAB              i_acthelp
*     FIELD_TAB              =
     RETURN_TAB             =  it_return
*     DYNPFLD_MAPPING        =
*     PARAMETER_ERROR        = 1
*     NO_VALUES_FOUND        = 2
*     OTHERS                 = 3
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here

  READ TABLE it_return INTO wa_return INDEX 1.
  S_ACTYPE wa_return-fieldval.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

ABAP to Excel - with formula

If you guys looking for exporting your data into excel.  Please consider this abap2xlsx .
Its based on XML technologies.

Checkout the details after the next link leap below

New Link :

ALV Grid - Fieldcatalog

Quick Tips

Please ensure you write capital letter for the fieldcatalog fieldname.

    add to l_count.
    it_fieldcat-col_pos l_count.
    it_fieldcat-fieldname 'NOSPOUSE'.
    it_fieldcat-seltext_m 'No of Spouse'.
*    it_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
    append it_fieldcat.
    clear it_fieldcat.