Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SAPScripts and Smartforms Myth

1) There is gutter at left 0.6cm perhaps ? How to change this ?

2) Smartforms what you see is what you not get , manually print and check to know if its correct or not.

3) Smartforms need to create structure to import customize itab at report program level any tricks to skip this ?

4) Counter technique is invented and used to manage the footer in sapscript ?

5) RKD_WORD_WRAP used in SAPScript to make to two lines output.

6) More to come.. the quest never end ;-)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back to Basic : Internal Tables

Below is how to declare internal table using local structures type

'' Declaring local structures
TYPES: BEGIN OF struc_sflight,
carried like sflight-carrid,
connection LIKE sflight-connid,
END OF struc_sflight.

"Declare internal tables
" New declaration techniques dont have header line.
DATA : itabflight TYPE struc_sflight.

" Using work area to process data
DATA: wa_flight LIKE LINE OF itabflight.